Sigma - office furniture and chairs



For an inspiring workplace for meetings

A modern office is a place where it is nice to be and comfortable to work. But that is not enough anymore. It is important not only to offer an ergonomic workstation that meets the physiological and technological needs of employees, but also inspire them to work, change and improve every day. A work environment with an original character makes employees more engaged and helps them to build and maintain a closer relationship with a company.

ZEDO meeting tables are part of an inspiring and flexible desk collection featuring original design.

I want to discover new forms and bring more colors to a modern office.

Paolo Pampanoni, designer

Original design and unique combinations

The main element of the ZEDO design is a round metal leg on the outer part of the table, with a playful coloured plug as the final touch. This leg is also a link that allows you to add different accessories. Paolo Pampanoni, the author of the ZEDO design, emphasizes that even a small detail can make a big difference to the character of a piece of furniture, and thus of an office. The original design of the desks offers a very wide range of options for combining the colours of legs, plugs and accessories to create a unique workplace atmosphere.

Two forms

ZEDO meeting tables are available with square or rounded edges. Depending on the chosen desk size, four to six people can comfortably collaborate at a desk.

Flexible adjustability

Flexibility is an integral feature of a modern workplace. You will easily adjust ZEDO meeting tables to your changing needs and the size of your team. With supplementary units, you can extend a meeting table and set up to 20 workplaces.

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