Sigma - office furniture and chairs



Mickey meets the requirements of today’s modern jobs and is perfectly in line with the concept of the Activity-Based Workplace.
First of all, the seat swivels and swings from side to side, has a height adjustment that goes from a low pouffe to a seat providing support during standing work, and can serve different needs – either quick conferences for several people or sitting at a desk with someone for a while. Secondly, thanks to a special handle, the seat can be easily moved, rearranged and have its height adjusted all at the same time! Mickey can be order in pastel or more expressive colours of upholstery and combine with neutral plastic colours gives opportunity to create creative spaces for spending time together.

The Mickey is highly ergonomic and can be used for active desk work, both seated and standing. It also follows the position flawlessly with a built-in 10 degree tilt to either side. These changes of position during work provide active support for the spine.

Product versions

  • stool, swivel with height adjustment and sideway tilt 10°

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