Sigma - office furniture and chairs



A must-have modern office solution

MY SPACE is a universal modular system with excellent acoustic properties designed to shape unique office spaces. This system is the ideal solution for agile, activity-based, and open-plan offices.

Create your space with MY SPACE

A wide range of applications and configurations of these modular acoustic screens lets you easily adapt the furniture to various office planning needs and working situations. From private mini-rooms for concentration to collaboration areas for teamwork, this system provides a comfortable workplace, allows you to distance yourself from ambient noise, and opens up new “office-within-office” possibilities.
A variety of acoustic screen joints allows you to build different structures and gives freedom to form almost any desired workspace.

Easy to assemble, easy to use

Need to separate individual workplaces or arrange different functional areas in one space? Create your desired MY SPACE combination with just three types of acoustic screens. Quickly adapt to changing needs with an easy and simple assembly of the structure.

Different size for different applications

MY SPACE acoustic screens are available in 5 different width (800mm, 1000mm, 1200mm, 1400mm, 1600mm) and 2 different height (1320mm, 1620mm) options.

A wide selection of desktops

Different size and shape desktops make MY SPACE a flexible solution for almost any working environment while the height-adjustment function helps create a convenient workplace for individual tasks.

Expanded connectivity

Thanks to the modular construction, this acoustic furniture allows you to electrify up to 6 workplaces with a single power socket. In order to keep the working process as effective as possible, MY SPACE is available with a 3 socket power unit that can be used for standard power supply, USB, or LAN connection in different configurations.

Proven acoustic characteristics

MY SPACE is a great choice to reduce the overall noise level of the office as the acoustic screens are filled with a special sound-absorbing foam and covered with upholstery of your choice. This product complies with acoustic class C and has been tested by an independent acoustics laboratory.

Make your office stand out

Now you can choose different interior and exterior colors for MY SPACE screens. Use your desired color combinations to create individual spaces or group workspaces.

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